So, after spending a glorious week with my family on Folly Beach I drove to Greenville this past Saturday to stay at my parents' house. Sunday I woke up and packed up the car then headed to Roanoke with 9 potted plants, all my luggage, lamps/shades, cleaning supplies & dogs in tow. After 5 hours (lunch stop included) in the car we made it! I dropped the kiddos off at the kennel then went straight to the corporate apartment that Chris has been living in for the last month. It was so great to be reunited with him! He cooked me a great dinner of salmon, baked potato, and green beans with Prosecco (one of my favorites).
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HOME! :) |
The movers showed up at about 10am and I stood in the yard and directed them in the placement of all our boxes/furniture. They finished up by about 3pm and I think I did ANOTHER dance. (Small victories, ok!?) I didn't waste any time either. I started unpacking the kitchen until Chris got home to pick me up. We went to the corporate apt and got all our things out then locked up. From there we did what was completely necessary--got a Hot 'N Ready from Little Caesar's and cracked a bottle of bubbly. :) After our dinner of champions we got busy to work and finished the entire kitchen!
Since then I have been busting it to finish the rest. Tuesday I started on the dining room/den and got those finished then yesterday I did the master bedroom (mainly closet organization), the bathrooms and tons of laundry. I have to finish the basement today and it will be DONE! This one little paragraph makes it all seem like a piece of cake--but rest assured--every single part of me just flat out hurts.
I have to mention that I have been to the hardware store quite a few times in the last couple days (courtesy of my GPS). By the way, Mom and I named my GPS "Wanda" just in case I bring "her" up and you have no clue what I am referencing. Anyhoo--Wanda and I did a little exploring this week. I was quickly reminded of my time in Italy when I ventured out for the first time. Thank God they speak English in Virginia. ;) We went to Lowe's, Home Depot, several Krogers, TJ Maxx, & Bed, Bath, and Beyond. I am not sure what it is but I must have a perma-look on my face of "I am confused." I swear every store I go into the employees ask "You look lost...can I help you." First of all--they have NO idea. Second, thank GOODNESS they care. Third--I think that "look" is subconscious for "please someone speak to me." As most of you know, I am a pretty social woman and I'll make friends anywhere--even in a grocery store aisle.
I was successful in my errands and managed to fix the dryer, make two meals in my new kitchen (LOVE IT!), make copies of our keys (and color code them), get odds & ends for the bathrooms, etc. So I guess the exploring has paid off for us.
Oh, random aside, we have met two neighbors so far and they are SUPER nice. What an excellent perk!
So, there you have it--my first few days in the 'Noke (as I have heard people refer to it). I am pretty stoked about my family (minus SA--boo!) coming tomorrow! They have offered to be our paint crew and I am sure we will find some time to show them around and enjoy a few good meals! Stay tuned for an update and maybe a few "Before/Afters" from this weekend.
The Homeowner
P.S. Lowe's is better than Home Depot.
I love the house - it is SO pretty and charming! Please post before/after pics of the interior. Good luck with unpacking/painting/finding your way around!
ReplyDeleteHey!! Thank you so much, Kristin! I'll definitely post before/afters. Stay tuned. ;)