
Sunday, October 10, 2010

Party Like It's 10/10/10!!

Today is not only my birthday, it's 10/10/10!!! I really have been counting down to this birthday for years. Ask my family, closest friends--for that matter, just ask the stranger on the street--they will ALL tell you how much I have built up this day.

Since I was very young, my parents have instilled a few things in me about birthdays: celebrating is crucial, every year is a big deal-especially considering that it beats the alternative ;), and numbers are especially cool. My parents actually chose mine, my brother, and my sister's birth dates since we were scheduled C-sections. Mine- 10/10, Robert's 4/28, Shirley Ann 7/15. We were all born on a Friday as well. Another random  (non-birthday related) date thing in my fam: Mom and Dad's anniversary is 5/25/85 and ours is 6/26/10, approximately 25 years 1 month and 1 day different. All of that was on purpose too!

Where is this all going?? Well, I have been telling people for years that I was going to have a huge blowout birthday party on 10/10/10 for my 24th birthday. I even invited random people I met on a cruise when I was in high school. Truth be told, if all the people came to this party we would not have enough room in our house to hold them all. It really was more of a joke after a while to tell people about it and invite people. Back when I started inviting people, I had no idea that I would be married and living in our house with two perfect fur children. That whole concept is crazy and still so hard to believe. :)

Last Sunday, Chris and I were having lunch and he said partly in a question and partly in a statement, "So, we are having a party next weekend?. I looked at him unsure of whether he was asking me or if he was telling me. Turns out, he had already invited everyone and planned out a party for me. I was not allowed to know who was coming or what we were having to eat.

So, today I woke up on 10/10/10 to a pancake breakfast in bed complete with fresh flowers. The day progressed all the way to 1:00 pm and people started to show up for the party! It was so exciting to see who was going to show up at the door. We ate BBQ, drank some beer and sweet tea, and ate a carrot cake that would seriously knock anyone's socks right off. When it was time to blow out the candles, I almost panicked trying to figure out what to wish for. This is the most important part of my spiel today. It was the most overwhelming feeling not having even one wish to make. You know you are extremely blessed when that happens. I eventually came up with a last-second wish (but can't tell you what it is because it wont come true).

I absolutely ADORE my family and my friends. You all make me feel like the luckiest girl in the world. I have decided that my life is nothing without you all in it. Time with friends and family is my very favorite thing.

I leave you with this: For those of you that don't celebrate birthdays or holidays, shame on you! Life is way too short not to celebrate it. The birthday card my parents gave me said this, "It's not the years in your life that count, it's the LIFE in your years."-Abraham Lincoln

NO birthday is insignificant. Each one is a gift. Thank you ALL for making this one so unforgettable! Happy 10/10/10!

-L. Winchester