I am filthy rich. And, no, I didn't win the lottery or inherit a large sum of money. I am referring to the fact that I am blessed beyond measure and rich with love from family, friends, and blessings from one amazing God. It's really hard for me to wrap my head around, actually.
When you (pretty much) live in the same town your whole life and spend as much time with your family as I have, it's easy to take your surroundings for granted. One thing I have absolutely adored about this move is that I have gained a whole new perspective on my life and the people in it. At times, when we lived in Greenville, I often felt frustrated that most of my best friends from high school and college lived so far away. They were all spread out EVERYWHERE. Many times, it was lonely and it was hard. Now that I am also "far" away, I realize how much we will always need each other. It's not so hard to be there for each other, no matter how distant we get. I will be the first to admit that my friendships often took a backseat to my other relationships; I now know God had a purpose for that because I have an amazing husband to show for it. Now that I am in a new "season of life" -if you will- it's easier to be there for them. I have always known how amazing each of my friends are but, as we get older, I truly appreciate their individuality and their gifts even more. As I picture each of them, these words come to mind: beautiful, creative, loving, fun, quirky, artistic, Godly, inspiring, smart, funny, driven, caring and even athletic. I am blown away at how each of them have been there for me these last few months. It means more to me than you know. When I think about my friends I realize I have some of the best--The one you can tell anything to. The one you can sing duets with. The one you can be silly with. The one you can pray with. The one who laughs a lot. The one who makes you laugh a lot. The creative one. The musical one. The athlete. The intellectual one. The one you can shop with. The one you can enjoy a glass of wine with. The one you can party with....I really have them all.
This past weekend I got to see some of my friends from high school, my friends from college, and a lot of my family. My birthday is coming up in two days and I honestly feel like I was already given the ultimate gift. To gain utmost appreciation
those you love, to spend time with them, and to feel loved and appreciated back is, honestly, one of my very favorite things in the world. Friendship should not be
difficult. This post would not be complete without mentioning that I have already made some AMAZING friends here in Roanoke already. I am so grateful to my new church friends and my friends from work. I have to tell you, although I am pretty exhausted, my heart is happy and oh-so-full. Once again, thank you Roanoke. Thank you, Lord.
Pictures from this weekend:
Kathryn, Laura, Whitney, Me (High school) |
Me and Carly (High school & college!) |
Me, Carly, Helen (mostly college) |
Me, Maddie (elementary school & college!), Carly |
Carly, Me, Emily & Christen (College-senior year roomies!) | | | | |
Seeing Clearly Now